Resident Story: Emily Bonwich

Retired University of Missouri medical sociologist, Emily Bonwich is excited to be moving to Heron’s Key this summer. She’s wanted to move near Seattle to be closer to her family for some time now. After visiting a few communities with her son Steve, they quickly knew that Heron’s Key would be the perfect fit for her. Emily was very attracted to all that Heron’s Key has to offer including the apartment size, location and active lifestyle.

A self-proclaimed lifelong learner, Emily is looking forward to joining the University of Washington’s Osher Lifelong Learning program, once she settles in to her new home. She is currently participating in the Osher program in Missouri and is pleased that she will be able to continue her passion for learning in Gig Harbor.

Another of her favorite activities is birdwatching, and what better place to pursue that interest than the lush greenery of Gig Harbor, home to countless bird families. “There are different species of birds in Washington that I would never see in Missouri, so it’ll be a new adventure for me to spot these beautiful creatures in their habitats,” Emily explains.

Emily is in the process of planning what to take with her on her move to Heron’s Key and one thing she is planning on adding to her new home is a small planter where she can grow flowers. A Master Gardener herself, she is hoping to join the Heron’s Key gardening club. “If there’s a gardening club at Heron’s Key, I would be the first one to sign up!” she says eagerly.

“I’m anxiously awaiting this move and next phase of my life, and I could not be more excited to be closer to my son, grandsons and great-grandchildren,” Emily says. “I can’t wait to have them visit me at Heron’s Key.”