Fitness Classes at Heron’s Key in Gig Harbor, WA

Interested in learning more about what fitness classes we offer for residents here at Heron’s Key? Check out our class descriptions below, and view our monthly fitness calendar here to see how often we offer each class.

  • Core Strengthening
    • Target: Core
    • Midsection Benefits: Strengthening and stabilizing deep and superficial muscles across your midsection, which encourages proper body mechanics and posture.
    • Description: You’ll perform most of the exercises while lying on your stomach or back or while sitting in a chair. Each exercise has different levels of difficulty, so you can customize your workout to your specific needs and abilities.
    • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • Stretch and Balance Training
    • Target: Total-body flexibility and resiliency.
    • Benefit: Improved balance reduces fall risk. Improved flexibility aides injury prevention.
    • Description: The first half of the class uses a chair and straps to improve your body’s flexibility and mobility. The second half of the class targets your body’s balance and proprioception (the sense of self-movement and body position) using a weighted ball and AIREX pads.
    • Duration: 45 minutes.
  • Resistance Interval Training
    • Target: Heart, blood pressure, full-body strength.
    • Benefit: Cardiovascular health, reduced falls, improved ability to get up after a fall.
    • Description: Using elastic bands, free weights, and resistance chairs, you’ll perform two rounds of exercises, followed by a short duration of rest.
    • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • Total-Body Circuit Training
    • Target: Upper and lower body muscles.
    • Benefit: Improved function for daily activities (e.g., carrying groceries, opening heavy doors, getting up from a seated position, climbing stairs).
    • Description: After a short warm-up, you’ll proceed through 11 stations that will challenge your current level of fitness. With assistance from the Fitness Specialist, you are in complete control of every station’s level of resistance. During the workout, chat with others while music plays.
    • Duration: 10-min. warm-up + 30-min. circuit.
  • Gentle Chair Yoga
    • Benefits: Reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and improves sleep.
    • Description: This video-led class uses a chair for support in both standing and sitting postures. Targeting the joint range of motion and flexibility, your movements are linked by your breath, connecting your mind and body.
    • Duration: 45 minutes.
  • Tai Chi
    • Benefits: Improves mood, balance, flexibility, and strength.
    • Description: This graceful form of exercise, based on ancient Chinese tradition, awakens your body energy as you move in a slow, focused manner, connecting your movement with your breath. A chair is used for support of some movements.
    • Duration: 30 min.
  • Neighborhood Walk
    • Target: Cardiovascular system
    • Benefit: Heart, blood pressure, muscle endurance, social wellness.
    • Description: Meet in the Clubhouse Lobby; route is based on interests and the needs of those in attendance. Supportive tennis shoes recommended.
    • Duration: 60 minutes.

Note: We are exploring the possibility of instructor-led yoga and Tai Chi classes.